Release notes#
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CryptoX Concordium Wallet for iOS#
December 18, 2024
Version 3.0.0 addresses the following issues:
Added new onboarding flow
Changed minimum iOS version to 16.4
Previous releases
CryptoX Concordium Wallet 2.0.1 - November 25, 2024
Version 2.0.1 addresses the following issues:
Fixed Concordex connectivity Issue
Improved recover from file journey
CryptoX Concordium Wallet 2.0.0 - October 29, 2024
Shielding functionality
Old-legacy Send Assets flow
Mainnet, Stagenet, and Testnet schemas
Setting up and updating validator pool commission rates
Support for WalletConnect CCD transfer requests
Ability to see full details of a WalletConnect transaction to sign
Validation of metadata checksum when adding CIS-2 tokens
Display of balance/ownership when adding CIS-2 tokens
Wallet Connect, add sign message functionality
New Unshield Assets flow
CCD onramp flow
News Tab
Expport/Import Wallet Private key
Push Notifications for incoming transactions both ccd and CIS2Token
Support for Protocol 7 – reducing validation/delegation stake no longer locks the whole amount
Issue where signing a text message through WalletConnect did not work
Issue where a dApp could request to get a transaction signed by a different account than the one chosen for the WalletConnect session
Issue where the identity name was off-center when the edit name icon was visible
“Invalid WalletConnect request” message repeatedly shown if received a request with unsupported transaction type
Exported private key for file-based initial account being incompatible with concordium-client
Possibility of spamming the app with WalletConnect requests from a malfunctioning dApp
Changing restaking options
App crash during identities recover process
Send Assets Flow
Wallet Connect connection issue
Baker/baking renamed to Validator/validating
All anon* references removed
WalletConnect session proposals are now rejected if the namespace or methods are not supported, or if the wallet contains no accounts
WalletConnect transaction signing request now shows the receiver, either smart contract or an account, and amount of CCD to send, not including CIS-2 tokens
CryptoX Concordium Wallet for Android#
December 18, 2024
Version 1.4.0 addresses the following issues:
New onboarding flow
Swipelux onramp flow
The “,” decimal separator is now used for all amounts in the wallet
Previous releases
CryptoX Concordium Wallet 1.3.2 - November 28, 2024
Version 1.3.2 fixes the following issues:
Crashing on launch when Google Play Services is disabled
Inconsistent transaction fee for smart contract invocation
Crashing when first launching the app offline
Not receiving CIS-2 transaction notifications when they are disabled for CCD transactions
CryptoX Concordium Wallet 1.3.1 - November 7, 2024
Version 1.3.1 fixes the following UI issue:
While updating validator stakes, the app shows invalid commission.
CryptoX Concordium Wallet 1.3.0 - October 28, 2024
This update introduces support for Protocol 7, push notifications, and seed import and export. It also fixes several bugs.
Notifications for CCD and CIS-2 token transactions
Concordex exchange and Wert service where CCD can be purchased
Ability to reveal the wallet private key for those having no ability to reveal the seed phrase
Ability to use the wallet private key to restore the wallet
Support for Protocol 7 - reducing validation/delegation stake no longer locks the whole amount
Inability to configure a validator closed for delegation
Incorrect state of the account tokens page when there are no tokens
Crash caused by a malformed WalletConnect verifiable presentation request
Validation/delegation text notices
CryptoX Concordium Wallet 1.2.0 - August 27, 2024
This update introduces support for Company ID, CCD listings, and a newsfeed, along with optional anonymous analytics. It also fixes several visual bugs.
CCD listings – browse exchanges and services where CCD can be purchased
Optional anonymous analytics powered by Matomo
Concordium newsfeed
Support for company identities created with Global FinReg
Visually increasing the balance after sending CCD instead of decreasing it
Adding newly created accounts to the address book with a blank name
Incorrect text colors in dark theme on Xiaomi
The paste button on the recovery phrase input screen is now attached to the top of the keyboard hence remains always visible
CryptoX Concordium Wallet 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 - June, 2024
1.1.1 - June 11, 2024
Version 1.1.1 improves WalletConnect pairing stability in situations where the connection is poor
1.1.0 - June 06, 2024
Version 1.1.0 removes shielding, simplifies restoring a phrase-based wallet and fixes some issues.
What has been removed:
Shielding – now it is only possible to unshield your balances, while shielding and sending shielded funds are no longer available
The following features have been added:
Ability to unshield your balances from the “More” screen
Support for signing WalletConnect binary messages
Ability to paste the phrase from the clipboard when importing a wallet
Other changes:
The “Watch video” link on the welcome screen now opens the account creation tutorial
Updated the Terms and the Privacy Policy
Fixed a way to get into an empty wallet without confirming the seed phrase
CryptoX Concordium Wallet 1.0.0 - April 25, 2024
Version 1.0.0 brings feature parity with Concordium Wallet for Mobile, fixes multiple bugs and improves the overall user experience.
The following features have been added:
Setting up and updating validator pool commission rates
Support for WalletConnect CCD transfer requests
Ability to see full details of a WalletConnect transaction to sign
Ability to see full details of a Spaceseven transaction to sign
Support for WalletConnect verifiable presentation requests (for identity proofs)
Validation of metadata checksum when adding CIS-2 tokens
Display of balance/ownership when adding CIS-2 tokens
The issues fixed in this release:
Not working signing of a text message through WalletConnect
Ability for a dApp to request to get a transaction signed by a different account than the one chosen for the WalletConnect session
Crashing when received unexpected error from an identity provider
Exiting the wallet after accepting an identity verification error
Incorrect environment name in a private key export file for Mainnet
Improper handling of rejected identity verification when setting up a new wallet
Showing “Address copied” when copying a transaction hash to the clipboard in the scheduled transfer view
An issue where the identity name was off-center when the edit name icon was visible
An issue where exporting transaction logs for an account without any transactions would be stuck at 0%
“Invalid WalletConnect request” message repeatedly shown if received a request with unsupported transaction type
Exported private key for file-based initial account being incompatible with concordium-client
Inability to search for CIS-2 token by ID on contracts with lots of tokens
When managing CIS-2 tokens, removing all of them when only unselecting the visible ones
Composing a letter with a malformed recipient when clicking the support email on the About screen
Possibility of spamming the app with WalletConnect requests from a malfunctioning dApp
Some changes have been made to the app behavior:
Running a recovery is suggested when facing account or identity creation errors
Baker/baking renamed to Validator/validating
WalletConnect session proposals are now rejected if the namespace or methods are not supported, or if the wallet contains no accounts.
WalletConnect transaction signing request now shows the receiver (either smart contract or an account) and amount of CCD to send (not including CIS-2 tokens)
Transfers tab renamed to Activity on the account details screen
Identity data tab on the account details screen is no longer shown for accounts without revealed attributes
CIS-2 tokens with corrupted or missing metadata can no longer be added
Last but not least, some deprecated Concordium features have been removed:
Revealing identity attributes when creating an account
Concordium Wallet for Web#
December 25, 2024
Version 1.7.2
Remove unused “downloads” permission from manifest.
Previous releases
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.7.1 - October 30, 2024
Version 1.7.1 includes several changes and bug fixes.
Updated version of @concordium/web-sdk to ver.8 (with new protocol ver.7 update)
Added support of company identities with new web-sdk ver.8
Added cooldown card at delegation page with info about pending changes, if delegation was updated
Updated screens mentioning stake cooldowns to reflect protocol ver.7 cooldown changes
Updated properties checks in poolStatus according to new types
Updated accountAvailableBalance value which is now received from the web-sdk
Fixed window height change on modal open
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.6.4 - August 21, 2024
Version 1.6.4 Prepare for Company ID providers on Mainnet by using wallet proxy endpoint /v2/ip_info.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.6.3 - August 19, 2024
Use new wallet proxy endpoint /v2/ip_info for Testnet, which includes Company ID Providers, as these are now removed from the /v1/ip_info.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.6.2 - August 14, 2024
Aligned wallet API and wallet web-sdk versions to ensure consistent value serialization. This resolves an issue causing transactions like ‘initiate contract’ to fail.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.6.1 - August 8, 2024
Fix issue causing the runtime error unreachable during account creation for identities with attributes containing special characters (such as æøå).
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.6.0 - July 10, 2024
Add support for creating accounts using Company IDs.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.5.2 - June 25, 2024
Version 1.5.2 includes several changes and bug fixes.
Added a new option to edit account names. The set names are used across the browser wallet for referring to the accounts.
Added a new sign CIS3 message function in wallet-api, and corresponding view to display decoded payload of CIS3 message in browser wallet.
Added display of the optional name for ID providers when present, otherwise fallback to the chain name.
Removed check for redirectUri when launching identity issuance. This check was causing issues with an upcoming identity provider and seems to provide no value.
Improved error messages when searching for all tokenIDs in a given smart contract. Invalid tokenIDs in the contract are now displayed with their corresponding reason for being invalid.
Increased padding of the QR code background element.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.5.1 - April 4, 2024
Version 1.5.1 fixes a bug related to the injected script being loaded multiple times which was causing performance issues on the browser.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.5.0 - March 20, 2024
In version 1.5.0 a button was added so you can use the wallet in fullscreen mode in a tab in your browser. Additionally, an issue where some proof requests for nationality or country of residence would be misintrepreted as asking whether in the EU or not has been fixed. And, an issue was fixed where an inject script was not loading on the first page of a new tab, causing the API to be unavailable for dApps.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.4.2 - March 6, 2024
In version 1.4.2 the token transfer estimate now takes the transfer amount into account and the wallet no longer blocks creating the last possible account for an identity.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.4.1 - February 13, 2024
Version 1.4.1 fixes an issue with backward compatibility for gRPC and an identity issue.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.4.0 - February 5, 2024
Verison 1.4.0 adds support for recovery to be aborted when an identity takes a long time to recover. It also fixes an issue where the wrong list of identity providers was sometimes used when recovering from the wallet settings menu.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.3.2 - January 29, 2024
Version 1.3.2 includes several changes and bug fixes.
The CIS-2 token lookup no longer blocks choosing a contract if looking up metadata or balance only fails for some tokens.
The missing date for delegation/validation stake decrease/stop has been restored.
Changing restake preference is no longer blocked when the validator is below minimum stake threshold.
SendTransaction in wallet-api now supports bigint as part of smart contract parameters, fixing an issue with using large numbers.
Users can view their secret recovery phrase in the wallet settings if they need to write it down again.
Fixed a crash when the value in stake field was larger than a 64 bit integer when updating the stake.
Fixed an issue that would potentially block the wallet from loading or cause a crash if a third-party app blocked extensions.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.3.0 - January 10, 2024
The EUROe token is now added to all accounts by default.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.2.1 - November 21, 2023
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.2.1 implements the renaming of bakers to validators throughout the wallet. The other changes related to Concordium’s tokenomics updates have also been applied.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.1.11 - November 9, 2023
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.1.11 removes the use of the gRPC v1 API and JSON-RPC. It also supports changes made to the web-sdk, and it supports editing of commissions in staking pools in accordance with the upcoming tokenomics changes.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.1.8 - September 12, 2023
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.1.8 contains a simple page for Web3 ID age proofs.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.1.7 - September 11, 2023
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.1.7 introduces support for Web3 ID. Web3 ID is an extension of the core protocol identity with other types of credentials that don’t have stringent requirements on anonymity revocation, but can also witness a number of other attributes of the holder. Examples of this would be club membership credentials, reward programs, etc. There are no requirements imposed on who can be an issuer of these credentials, and in contrast to protocol identities, the Web3 ID credentials can be revoked according to the logic imposed by the issuer.
For wallet users, you can already use the Web3 ID functionality by using the Concordia social media verifier on Mainnet or Concordia social media verifier on Testnet. With Concordia, you can prove ownership of accounts on Telegram and Discord and thus transfer trust between the two platforms. Using the bots to issue credentials based on your Telegram and Discord logins allows you to link your accounts and optionally your real name. This is done in two steps. First, you get Web3 ID credentials for your accounts (e.g. one for Discord, one for Telegram). Then, a dApp checks the credentials and stores the verification. Other users can see your other linked accounts within the platform, transferring trust since they know you from another platform.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.0.7 - August 17, 2023
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.0.7 adds support for the protocol version 6 with ConcordiumBFT consensus which will be released August 21, 2023.
Additionally, Concordium plans to remove support for JSON-RPC in the Concordium Wallet for Web on 1 November 2023. JSON-RPC allows a dApp to communicate with the same node as the wallet is connected to, and enables dApps to access the JSON-RPC interface without being connected to a separate server itself. In future, the wallet API will only use gRPC2. More information is forthcoming about how developers should prepare for this.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.0.6 - May 30, 2023
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.0.6 contains fixes for the following issues:
The About page link to the terms and conditions pointed to the wrong URL. It now uses the value retrieved from the wallet proxy, or the correct default to the unified terms and conditions page.
Fixed an empty recovery displaying an error instead of informing the user that nothing was found.
Fixed an issue where the transaction list view would show the Request CCD button while loading the initial batch of transactions.
Fixed an issue so the first call of the gRPC client no longer always fails.
Fixed an issue so the first call of the gRPC client after changing network uses the correct network.
Added a missing translation for the Request CCD button.
transactions are now supported in thesendTransaction
endpoint of the wallet-api.In the display of a deployModule transaction, the previously titled module hash is now titled module reference.
Display of a deployModule transaction includes a copy button for the module reference.
Updated web-sdk to fix incorrect estimated cost for deployModule transaction.
Added text that a transaction has been submitted.
Messages when confirming baker/delegation transactions no longer appear after the transaction has been submitted.
Concordium Wallet for Web 1.0.4 - May 8, 2023
Baking and delegation are now available in the Concordium Wallet for Web.
Additionally, the following improvements have been added:
gRPC-web is now used instead of json-RPC.
The initial view in the manage token flow now retains the token page header, doesn’t collapse account balances, and the error messages for looking up a contract have been improved.
Fixed handling of UpdateAccountKey transactions from wallet-proxy.
Fixed chainChanged event to correctly propagate to all (not just whitelisted) dapps listening for events through the wallet API.
When changing the selected chain internally in the wallet, dapps now receive accountChanged event if an account on the new network has the dApp whitelisted, or accountDisconnected event if no account on the new network has the dApp whitelisted.
SendTransaction now validates that an account has sufficient funds before sending a transaction (requested though the API).
Added support for eID identity document types.
Improved readability of events in transaction details.
In the manage page for adding CIS-2 tokens, the contract index is now always initially empty.
Incorrect navigation flow on the “earn” page when switching between accounts.
Issues with the expansion of the account balance details view when navigating through different flows.
Recovery no longer assigns duplicate names to identities when new identities are visited earlier than existing ones during the recovery process.
AddCIS2Tokens through API now adds tokens to the given account, instead of the currently selected one.
Missing translations for some identity attributes.
Removed double unit on CCD in token overview.
A bug that caused an identity to not be recovered if there was a rejected one present in the same index.
Concordium Wallet for Web 0.9.11 - March 29, 2023
Fixed a bug where conversion of parameters from JSON to binary did not work for schemas with signed integers when attempting to convert negative values.
Fixed a bug that prevented users from sending larger amounts of bridged tokens.
The sign_message wallet API now supports signing arbitrary data.
Concordium Wallet for Web 0.9.8 - March 02, 2023
The following issues are fixed in Concordium Wallet for Web 0.9.8:
Corrected an issue where incorrect CIS-2 token metadata URL serialization for tokens with checksums caused those to be unable to be added.
Init contract transaction now displays as “Contract initialization”.
Update contract transaction now displays as “Contract update”.
addCIS2Tokens now returns the list of added tokens without an internal wrapper.
Concordium Wallet for Web 0.9.6 - January 9, 2023
SendTransaction for smart contract transactions can receive schemas that are for the specific parameter.
Concordium Wallet for Web 0.9.5 - December 21, 2022
Minor bugfixes for the Concordium Wallet for Web, including adding a missing background color on ID proof cards, fixing an issue where the transaction list did not update automatically, and a minor adjustment to how proof of age is calculated.
Concordium Wallet for Web 0.9.4 - December 16, 2022
The Concordium Wallet for Web introduces ID2.0 functionality whereby a dApp or service can use zero knowledge proofs to request proof from a wallet for certain attributes without revealing anything beyond the truth of the statement. It is also possible for a dApp or Service to request that the wallet user reveal attributes.
Concordium Wallet for Web 0.8.5 - December 6, 2022
The Concordium Wallet for Web now includes support to manage fungible and non-fungible tokens. This includes adding, inspecting, and removing tokens.
Concordium Wallet for Web 0.7.5 - October 19, 2022
The Concordium Wallet for Web extension for Chrome web browsers is released. It provides basic wallet functionality, such as sending and receiving CCDs. It also has the possibility to connect dApps to a wallet to interact with the Concordium blockchain.
Desktop Wallet#
June 26, 2024
Version 1.7.4 contains the following changes:
button to disable the transfer of CCD from the public balance to the shielded balance of an account.Remove
button to disable the transfer of CCD from the shielded balance of the account to the shielded balance of another account.Rename
anonymity revokers
toidentity disclosure authorities
.Previous releases
1.7.3 - March 21, 2024
Version 1.7.3 fixes an issue reported on Windows where the LEDGER connectivity state was faulty, preventing users from signing transactions.
1.7.2 - December 14, 2023
Version 1.7.2 fixes a bug that did not allow a validator whose stake was below the new minimum amount after the tokenomics updates to change their restake preference.
1.7.1 - November 22, 2023
Version 1.7.1 implements the renaming of bakers to validators throughout the wallet. The other changes related to Concordium’s tokenomics updates have also been applied.
1.6.0 - September 28, 2023
Version 1.6.0 adds support for the protocol version 6 with Concordium BFT consensus which was released August 21, 2023 on Testnet and September 25, 2023 on Mainnet. The wallet also now supports gRPC2.
1.5.0 - August 4, 2022
The Concordium Desktop Wallet now supports the Ledger Nano S Plus hardware wallet.
Fixed an issue on macOS that prevented automatic updates from installing after successfully being downloaded and verified. This means that macOS users have to download this release manually.
1.4.2 - June 21, 2022
Concordium Desktop Wallet 1.4.2 is a hotfix release specifically for macOS containing the following fixes:
Fixed an issue on macOS where an error popup would show after closing the main application window and opening it again.
Fixed an issue on macOS where identity creation was not possible after closing the main application window and opening it again.
1.4.1 - June 15, 2022
Concordium Desktop Wallet 1.4.1 contains functionality to support delegation to baker pools or passive delegation. In addition, the Desktop Wallet has an improved user interface. Note that the delegation functionality will not work until the protocol update occurs on June 23, 2022.
The Concordium Ledger app 3.0.1 is also released. With the Sirius release, Ledger firmware version 2.0.0 is no longer supported.
In addition, the following changes were made:
When choosing a delegation target a link is now available that forwards the user to the delegation documentation website.
Fixed an issue that made it impossible to create a transaction to do passive delegation.
Fixed an issue that caused the wallet to crash when inspecting identities with missing date attributes.
1.3.1 - January 13, 2022
Fixed issue that caused the wallet to crash when inspecting identities with missing date attributes.
Fixed identity issuance with DTS.
1.3.0 - December 17, 2022
Updated the default node configuration to point to
In the case of a failed identity, the error details received from the identity provider are now displayed to the user.
Added UI flows for baker transactions for single signer accounts.
Auxiliary data in an Update Protocol transaction is now optional.
Updated terms and conditions.
Updated UI to reflect the rename of GTU to CCD, meaning anywhere tokens were referred to as GTU, it now says CCD. The GTU icon has also been replaced with the icon representing CCD.
Datetimes are now selected with a date picker from a calendar.
Finalized transactions are no longer stored in the local database, but are instead always fetched from the wallet proxy when needed.
Failed database migrations errors are now shown correctly to the user.
1.2.0 - October 6, 2021
Added memo functionality to simple, shielded and scheduled transfers.
Automatic updates now supported.
Added option to recover lost accounts from Ledger devices.
The desktop wallet now shows connected node status in side bar.
Added an option to change between two account views.
Transaction log can now handle more than 100 transactions and filter functionality has been expanded.
Failed identities now show more information, including how to contact support.
Apple M1 Macs are now supported through Rosetta.
It is now possible to view an account address QR-code in “fullscreen” mode.
It is now possible to rename accounts and identities.
Added an option to add an address book entry while creating a transfer transaction.
Added an introductory screen to set up a node connection for first time users.
It is now possible to remove a failed identity.
The accounts page has been updated to make it clearer that multi credential accounts are not able to use shielded transactions.
Transactions in the ‘Transfers’ list in the account view are now grouped by dates.
Various smaller UI updates.
Various smaller bug fixes.
The desktop wallet is now open source.
1.1.6 - July 28, 2021
Fixed an issue where identity creation would fail consistently making it impossible to create new identities.
1.1.5 - July 27, 2021
General improvements to the user interface, in particular for multi signature transaction flows.
Change of wallet password now enforces the same length restriction as when initially set.
Wallet exports now contain the genesis hash to prevent the import of a wallet from testnet to a mainnet wallet.
Improved messages when waiting for a Ledger device to be connected.
Transaction status is now included in an account report.
Fixed an issue where e.g. a loss of connection could result in a failed identity when it should not.
Security improvements. Node integration was available to the Electron renderer threads which is considered unsafe. This has now been disabled.
Added foundation feature for importing and creating multi signature transactions in bulk.
A number of bug fixes.
Concordium LEDGER app#
August 11, 2023 - version 4.1.2
Concordium is pleased to announce support for the Concordium LEDGER app in LEDGER Live. You can install and update the Concordium LEDGER app from LEDGER Live. For details, see Install the Concordium LEDGER app. In addition, Concordium’s LEDGER app now supports the LEDGER Nano X as well as the LEDGER Nano S and LEDGER Nano S Plus.
The following improvements are also included:
Improved a number of user interface flows to require fewer clicks.
Amounts are now prefixed with CCD to indicate the unit of the amount.
Previous releases
3.1.0 - March 31, 2023
Concordium Ledger App v3.1.0 now supports Ledger Nano S Plus firmware version 1.1.0.
3.0.1 - June 15, 2022
The Concordium Ledger app 3.0.1 is released. With the Sirius release, Ledger firmware version 2.0.0 is no longer supported.
2.0.3 - December 13, 2021
Supports Ledger Nano S firmware version 2.1.0.
Removed references to GTU in the UI.
An acceptance step has been added to the export of private key seeds.
2.0.1 - October 6, 2021
Improved state validation to deny instruction changes in multi command transactions.
Support building for the Ledger Nano X.
Simplified the UI by updating terminology and stopped displaying details that cannot feasibly be verified by a user.
Export of private key seeds has been changed so that either the PRF key can be exported alone, or the PRF key and the IdCredSec are exported in a single command.
Added support for transactions with memos.
Support for the “Add identity provider” update.
Support for the “Add anonymity revoker” update.
Improved pagination of account addresses and hexadecimal strings, so that pages are split evenly and consistently.
Fixed an issue in the add baker UI, where a response could be sent before signing or declining.
1.0.2 - July 27, 2021
Scheduled transfer release times are now shown as human readable UTC date time strings.
Fixed a UI bug in remove baker transaction.
October 3, 2024
Concordium node version 7.0.5 contains support for protocol version 7. The new consensus protocol will take effect on the mainnet on October 30, 2024. Node runners should upgrade to version 7.0.5 before the protocol update to ensure that their nodes do not shut down.
Protocol version 7 introduces the following changes:
The cool-down behavior when the stake of a validator or delegator is reduced or removed is changed:
- When stake is reduced, the reduction is immediately effective for future stake calculations, and the amount of the reduction is locked for a cool-down period.
(Previously, the reduction was only effective after the cool-down period.)
- Validators and delegators can make further changes to their stake while they already have stake in cooldown.
This includes registering as a validator when the account was previously a delegator, or vice versa. (Previously, the account had to wait for the cool-down period to end before making further changes.)
- Shielded transfers are no longer supported in the protocol.
It is still possible to unshield a previously shielded balance.
- Smart contract execution costs are reduced.
This reflects a more efficient implementation of the smart contract execution engine introduced in this release.
Smart contracts can now query the module reference and contract name of a smart contract instance.
The block hashing scheme is redefined to better support light clients.
Additionaly, the node release includes a number of fixes and improvements:
Logging around protocol updates is improved.
Failed gRPC requests are now logged at
level.Fixed a bug where
returns incorrect data.Fixed a bug where
returns incorrect data.Fixed a bug where a configure-validator transaction that is rejected for having a duplicate aggregation key reports the old key of the validator, rather than the new (duplicative) key.
Improved the behavior of the node in the event of an unrecoverable error in consensus.
Previous releases
6.3.2 - September 30, 2024
Concordium node version 6.3.2 fixes a bug in the handling of smart contract names that could cause the node to crash. This is a critical bug fix, and node runners should update as soon as possible.
6.3.1 - June 24, 2024
Concordium node version 6.3.1 fixes a bug where a node may fail to produce a timeout certificate due to incorrectly computing the total weight of finalizers that have signed timeout messages.
6.3.0 - February 27, 2024
Version 6.3.0 contains the following fixes and improvements:
Fixed a bug where
fails to report pending updates to the finalization committee parameters.GRPC queries are now run in dedicated threads. This improves node resource management and increases responsiveness of the GRPC server in cases of high number of concurrent queries. To support this a new option
) has been added, which specifies the number of threads that the node should use for processing gRPC requests. If not set this defaults to the number of (logical) CPUs.The option
now defaults to 200 from the previous unbounded value. This makes the node defaults safer.Startup time of the node has improved on all supported distributions.
6.2.3 - November 28, 2023
Version 6.2.3 removes the V1 gRPC API. This removes the configuration options
and their command line equivalents. An additional health-check service was also added to the V2 GRPC API. This service conforms to the standard GRPC health service API.As part of the tokenomics changes the node has new configuration options that use the new terminology. The existing options using the legacy terminology are still supported, however they are hidden.
endpoint has also been that allows simulating the execution of transactions.The account map is now kept solely on disk in a separate LMDB database and it is no longer part of the internal block state database. This change results in significantly reduced resource usage for the node.
6.1.7 - October 23, 2023
Concordium Node 6.1.7 contains bug fixes and improvements. This is the last release of the node that has support for V1 gRPC API.
Out-of-band catchup is now enabled by default on all platforms.
The node remembers peers across restarts. When starting up it will try to connect to stored peers in addition to any supplied bootstrap and given nodes. Use the new flag
) to clear stored peers on startup.If the node is configured with TLS, then CONCORDIUM_NODE_COLLECTOR_GRPC_HOST must be configured such that it uses the domain of the certificate, for example,
.Exposed the health check service via grpc-web when grpc-web is enabled.
Banned peers are no longer reset on startup by default. The flag
has been renamed to--clear-bans
; when set it will clear the banned peers on startup.Add debug-level logging when a round is advanced, either due to a quorum certificate or a timeout certificate.
Removed the concept of pending blocks.
now also returns the commission rates for the current reward period.Added a number of endpoints to the GRPCV2 API, including:
: provided a block, then it returns information about bakers for the reward period of the block.
: provided a block, then it returns quorum certificate, timeout certificate, and epoch finalization entry contained in the block (where present).
: provided a baker ID, it returns the earliest time at which the node projects that the baker could be required to bake a block.
: returns the block hash of the first block in a given epoch.
: returns a list of the bakers that won rounds in a specified (finalized) epoch. This only supports consensus version 1.Fixes
An incorrect
metric calculation exposed by the bootstrapper was fixed. What was counted was not the number of peers in the bucket, but rather, roughly, how many times peers that are in the bucket have reconnected.Fixed a bug where the block state hash was not returned properly for the genesis block.
Fixed a bug where credential registration IDs for genesis accounts were not correctly recorded. As a result, the index of accounts by credential IDs was incorrect if the chain was started from genesis by node versions 5.1.3 up to and including 6.0. If a chain was started by an older node version and then the node was upgraded, the index is loaded correctly. This index is used when checking for duplicate credential registration IDs, and when looking up an account via a credential registration ID.
Fixed a bug in the
endpoint where the amount sent was used incorrectly. The consequence was that in some cases the calls would fail with an error indicating insufficient amount on the account where the amount was sufficient for the transaction.Applied fix for processing of chain parameter updates when they occur at the same time retroactively to all protocol versions. This may break compatibility with any local/private chains on which the bug occurs.
Fixed a bug in how the last timeout certificate is recovered at start-up.
Fixed the behavior of the block last finalized pointer in the
so that it consistently returns the last finalized block at the time the block was baked.Added load shedding for gRPC v2. This helps protect the node in case of high number of concurrent requests since they are now dropped immediately as opposed to queued.
6.0.4 - September 11, 2023
Concordium Node 6.0.4 contains support for protocol version 6 with Concordium BFT consensus which will be released September 25, 2023. Node runners should upgrade to version 6.0.4. before the protocol update to ensure that their nodes do not shut down.
Also, gRPC v1 is NOT enabled in any of the node distributions. gRPC v2 should be used. As a consequence of this the configuration option
, as well as default values ofrpc-server-port
) andrpc-server-addr
), have been removed. The V1 gRPC server is only started if both of these options are supplied.Additional features of this release include:
Fixed a network layer bug where initial messages after the handshake could be dropped in some circumstances.
Changes in Wasm validation and execution in P6 include:
Disallowed globals in initialization sections for V1 contracts in P6.
Added support for sign extension instructions in Wasm in P6.
Do not count custom sections towards module size when executing contracts.
Support new
operations for retrieving account keys and checking signatures.Shut down consensus upon a protocol update updating from protocol version 6.
Fixed a bug that causes bakers in genesis to restake their earnings when they should not. This affects genesis data at protocol version P5; P1-P4 genesis data are not affected. This breaks compatibility with chains started with P5 genesis data, where some genesis bakers are not set to restake earnings. Other chains (including mainnet and testnet) are not affected.
Changed the
endpoint so that slot duration is only returned in protocol versions 0-5.
Endpoint is extended to return current timeout duration, current round, current epoch and trigger block time in protocol version 6.
Changed the
Block slot is only returned in protocol versions 0-5.
In protocol version 6, the returned finalized block is the last finalized block until itself is finalized. Then it is itself.
Endpoint extended to return block round and epoch in protocol version 6.
Changed the GetElectionInfo endpoint so that election difficulty is only returned in protocol versions 0-5.
5.4.2 - June 14, 2023
Concordium node version 5.4.2 contains the following features and bug fixes:
Enable CORS support in grpc-web. This only applies when grpc-web is enabled.
Fixed a security issue.
Support using block height as block identifiers in gRPC v2 API.
Extend gRPC v2 API call
with the protocol version of the block.Do not keep a historical list of peers when running as a normal node.
Fixed a bug that caused an extra byte to be added when running
in the V1 GRPC API.5.3.2 - April 27, 2023
Extended the Prometheus exporter with the following metrics: grpc_request_duration_seconds, grpc_in_flight_requests, consensus_baking_committee, consensus_finalization_committee, consensus_baking_lottery_power, consensus_baked_blocks_total, consensus_finalized_baked_blocks_total, network_soft_banned_peers_total, consensus_non_finalized_transactions and consensus_unsupported_pending_protocol_version. See docs/ for more details.
Also, in the changelog for the node grpc_request_duration_seconds has been renamed to grpc_request_response_time_seconds to match the what is in the code.
Added the following new options:
) triggers the grpc V2 health endpoint to check minimum number of peers.
) allows the node runner to control the maximum amount of energy allowed by an InvokeInstance (and the V1 GRPC InvokeContract) call. The behavior of the endpoint is slightly changed as well. The energy is no longer required in the request, and the effective energy used by the call will be min(, grpc-invoke-max-energy). This differs from the previous behavior where a request would fail if the request either omitted the energy, or supplied an excessive value.Improved the node health check, so that if the node is configured with baker credentials, then it is required to be in the baking committee for it to be considered healthy.
Fixed a bug that could cause the node to hang indefinitely during the out-of-band-catchup when the node is a finalizer.
Fixed an additional bug in the
endpoint in GRPCv2 where the incoming_amounts field of encrypted amounts was not always set correctly.The node collector is migrated to a separate package and now uses the V2 GRPC API. If you already have a node installed, you must update the configuration. For more information, see the Run a node topic that is specific to your node platform: Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, or macOS.
5.2.4 - March 16, 2023
The Prometheus metrics exporter has been improved and systematized, making this API stable from this release onwards to monitor your node metrics. The metrics are now documented and the node’s Prometheus metrics API stability will adhere to SEMVER guidelines.
Fixed an issue where the node configuration file (
) was sometimes corrupted.Added an option to disable only the node specific grpc V1 endpoints that can be used to control the node. All the endpoints that are consensus related are kept allowing the node to be used as a gateway to the chain. The mentioned endpoints can be disabled by setting
or using the flag--no-rpc-server-node-endpoints
.Fixed a bug in
endpoint in GRPCv2 whereincoming_amounts
field of encrypted amounts was not set correctly.5.1.3 - January 19, 2023
Concordium node version 5.1.3 introduces the following new features and improvements:
Improvements were made to allow greater concurrency with transaction processing.
Blocks are relayed earlier. This decreases the time it takes for the network to become aware of a block.
Removed the configuration option
. This option (which was used for testing only and was disabled by default) made the node rebroadcast blocks before doing any validation.Changes were made to avoid deadlocks during node shutdown in specific scenarios.
The node will now shut down to start if an error occurs in a required service (e.g., grpc server). In particular, the node will shut down if a required service could not be started.
Added timeout to downloading out of band catchup files when block indices and catch-up chunk files are specified by an URL. The timeout is controlled by the option
) and defaults to 5 minutes. Timeout is now five minutes per chunk instead of waiting indefinitely.Removed the
environment variable. The prometheus server is now started ifCONCORDIUM_NODE_PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT
is set.5.0.7 for MacOS - January 4, 2023
Fix a bug in the MacOS node that caused an issue with NRG calculation. Concordium recommends that MacOS node runners update their nodes to 5.0.7.
5.0.6 - November 29, 2022
Concordium Node 5.0.6 contains support for protocol version 5 which will be released on Mainnet on December 13, 2022. This adds the following features:
Support for smart contract upgradability
Query the current exchange rates, account balances, and contract balances from a smart contract.
- Relax restrictions on smart contracts, including:
Parameter size limit: 1kiB -> 65535B
Return value size limit: 16kiB -> no limit (apart from energy)
Number of logs per invocation: 64 -> no limit (apart from energy)
A new representation of accounts that is better optimised for common operations.
Revised the hashing scheme for transaction outcomes in protocol version 5. In particular, the exact reject reasons are no longer part of the computed hash. Furthermore, the transaction outcomes are being stored in a merkle tree for P5, resulting in faster speed for some queries.
Additionally, the node update fixes an issue where the catch-up downloader would fail at a protocol update.
4.5.0 - October 25, 2022
Concordium Node 4.5.0 contains the updated gRPC API which is easier to use than the previous version. It also contains bug fixes and performance and robustness improvements.
Node gRPC API v2 is released and enabled in all distributions.
The node is now able to recover after crashes which leave only treestate or only blockstate usable.
Fix a memory leak that could occur in certain usage scenarios involving smart contracts.
4.4.4 - October 5, 2022
Concordium Node 4.4.4 contains performance improvements and bug fixes.
Smart contract state is no longer cached on startup and is not cached after finalization. This reduces the node’s memory use and startup time.
Smart contract modules are no longer retained in memory. Module artifacts are loaded as needed during contract execution. Metadata is cached for a limited number of smart contract modules. By default, the cache will retain metadata for at most 1000 smart contract modules, and this is configurable via the
command line argument or by using theCONCORDIUM_NODE_CONSENSUS_MODULES_CACHE_SIZE
environment variable.Speed up and reduce memory overhead during protocol updates. Overhead in memory use during protocol updates should now be less than 20%, and time to process a protocol update should be around 1/3 of the previous release.
The node now validates blocks more eagerly and does not relay blocks it cannot fit into the tree, i.e., pending blocks.
option now takes the URL to the catchup_index file_
, permitting to only download and import catchup files containing blocks not already present in the database.Partial node database recovery. The node is now able to recover from the most common causes of its database corruption.
Fix typo in environment variable
(remove trailing S).Fix a bug in Ctrl-C signal handling where a node would fail to stop if interrupted early on in the startup if out-of-band catchup was enabled.
4.3.1 - September 5, 2022
Concordium Node 4.3.1 introduces a number of performance improvements. The effects of these are that the node on mainnet at the current load will use around 1/4 the memory of the 4.2.3 node. Startup can be up to 50% faster, although exact improvements will be platform dependent.
Account records are no longer constantly retained in memory. Instead, a limited number are retained in a cache. The number of cached accounts defaults to 10000 and can be configured by the
environment variable.Reduce startup time and memory use further by reducing the amount of block data retained in memory. In particular finalized blocks are no longer stored in memory.
Optimize node data structures related to accounts. This reduces node memory use and improves performance.
The gRPC API now reports correctly when the sender of a transaction did not have enough funds to cover the transaction costs.
Remove obsolete and unused option
.Remove transaction logging functionality from the node. It is replaced by an external transaction logger service. As a consequence the
family of command line options are removed from the node.4.2.3 for Docker - August 4, 2022
Some improvements have been made to the Docker node version. The new Docker images (one for Mainnet and one for Testnet) are designed for use with docker-compose or a similar driver. The node also requires a database which must be stored on the host system so that it persists when the Docker container is stopped.
It is not mandatory but strongly recommended for Linux node runners to migrate to the new Docker distribution. The old Docker images will be deprecated and future node versions from 4.3 and upwards will only be provided in the new distribution.
4.2.3 - August 2, 2022
Concordium Node 4.2.3 fixes a critical security vulnerability present in all previous 4.* node versions. All node runners must upgrade as soon as possible.
The security advisory detailing the issue and the patch will be released on August 15th.
4.2.1 - July 4, 2022
Concordium Node 4.2.1 is a maintenance release, bringing performance improvements and bugfixes. The highlights are:
A significant decrease in node startup time. The exact improvements are platform dependent, but startup should be at least 6 times faster on mainnet.
A significant decrease in node memory use. On mainnet, a 4.2.1 node should use less than 50% of memory compared to 4.1.1.
Reduced CPU use of passive nodes in Windows, Mac, and Linux distributions.
4.1.1 - June 15, 2022
Concordium Node 4.1.1 (Sirius) introduces new functionality to support delegation to baker pools or passive delegation, and a new version Smart Contracts.
Note that when the protocol update happens on June 23, 2022 that the cool-down period for reducing baker stake or stopping baking increases from one week to three weeks. If you reduce your stake or stop baking BEFORE the protocol update takes effect, the cool-down remains one week.
V1 smart contracts include the following key features: - Unlimited contract state size - Synchronous contract calls - Fallback entrypoints - An increased smart contract module size limit of 512kB - A number of cryptographic primitives
Other improvements in this version include: - The SendTransaction function exposed via the gRPC interface now provides the caller with detailed error messages. - Support for wire-protocol version 0 is dropped, meaning that the node cannot connect to peers that do not support wire-protocol version 1, which is supported since version 1.1.0. - The macOS installer has been improved so it no longer overwrites the service files when reinstalling. - When using the Mac installer users now can leave one (but not both) of the net configurations empty when they don’t want to configure a node for it. On the initial installation, leaving a net configuration empty means that the start/stop app shortcuts and the application support folder for that net won’t be installed. - Consensus queries have been made more robust by validating input more extensively. This affects all queries whose input was a block or transaction hash. These queries now return an InvalidArgument error. - The maximum number of retries for Node Collector has been removed so it will keep querying indefinitely. - Nodes can now be stopped during out of band catchup by using the signals
. - TheGetAccountInfo
endpoint supports querying the account via the account index. - Baker pools and stake delegation are implemented for the P4 protocol version. - The new gRPC endpointGetBakerList
retrieves a JSON list of the baker IDs of the bakers registered in a known block. It returns null for an unknown block. - The new gRPC endpointGetPoolStatus
retrieves a status record for a baker pool, or for the set of passive delegators. - The bakerStakeThreshold level-2 keys are renamed to poolParameters keys; two additional access structures are defined: cooldownParameters and timeParameters. - Smart contract modules are cached on startup from the existing state to improve smart contract execution.Note
Prior to Sirius, the nodes enforced that a transaction could not be deployed until 2 hours before its expiry date. With Sirius, node validation of transactions has been improved and the 2 hour window has been removed.
3.0.2 - April 21, 2022
Fixed a security vulnerability in the network layer that could be used to crash the node, causing a denial of service.
3.0.1 - January 7, 2022
Fixed a starvation bug in some cases of parallel node queries.
3.0.0 - December 17, 2021
Introduced support for account aliases via protocol P3. Accounts can be queried in
by any alias.
object now has an additional fieldaccountAddress
that contains the canonical address of the account.Fixed a bug due to incorrect use of LMDB database environments, where a node would crash if queried at specific times.
Faster state queries by avoiding locking the block state file when reading.
Fixed a bug caused by shutting down RPC before the node, which caused the node to crash when attempting a graceful shutdown while processing RPC requests.
The node now drops all connections on an unrecognized protocol update and refuses to accept new transactions.
1.1.3 - October 6, 2021
The Concordium node release v1.1.3 implements a protocol update to add memo functionality for simple, shielded and scheduled transfers. This means that node runners must upgrade their nodes before the new protocol takes effect on testnet on October 13 at 12:00 CEST, 2021. Old nodes will stop processing new blocks at that point. See protocol updates for more details.
Added memo functionality for transactions to Protocol
Windows support for running a node
Mac support for running a node
Mac ARM M1 support for running a node
Various bug fixes
1.0.0 - June 9, 2021
We are proud to announce that version 1 of the Concordium blockchain infrastructure, the “Alpha Centauri” release, is available for download.
Our Mainnet release has the following main features:
Proof of Stake
The Concordium Blockchain uses a proof of stake mechanism to ensure resource-efficient operation of the network.
Two Layer Consensus Protocol
- Nakamoto-Style Consensus
Bakers participate in a form of lottery to win the right to append blocks to the chain.
- Finality Layer
Concordium finality layer dynamically ‘checkpoints’ the blockchain using Byzantine agreement to identify and mark common blocks in the chains of honest users as final.
Built in IDLayer
Account creation is based on a validated identity, but at the same time it provides transactional privacy for users with a mechanism that allows accountability to local regulatory authorities.
Transactional privacy is further enhanced by support for shielded transfers.
Smart Contracts
Concordium blockchain has native support for smart contracts on-chain with our core on-chain language WebAssembly (Wasm), a portable well-defined assembly-like language.
Rust is the first off-chain high level smart contract language.
Tokenomics and On-chain Incentivization
The Concordium blockchain comprises a set of transactions and economic roles that interact within the economy. An economic role, such as a baker or account holder, is represented by an account on the Concordium platform.
The flow of CCD between accounts via transactions creates an economy that is designed to incentivize participation in the network and counter dishonest behaviour. It is the objective of the Concordium Foundation to guide the creation of a sustainable economy that rewards participants for their efforts in developing the network.
Concordium Node
The Concordium node software is available for Linux and available in two different packages:
A distribution package, which provides wrappers for setting up the node in a Docker image.
A Debian package built for Ubuntu 20.04. This package allows for greater customization of the node set up.
Mobile Wallet
The Mobile Wallet is available for iOS and Android with support for:
identity issuance and management.
account creation and management.
simple and shielded transactions.
platform security protection
export and import to other mobile wallets.
access to the blockchain through a “wallet proxy” operated by Concordium with no need to run a node.
Desktop Wallet
The Desktop Wallet is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux with support for:
identity issuance and management.
account creation and management.
protection by Ledger Nano S device.
multi signature account set up and management.
multiple transaction types:
filtering and printing historic transactions
baker management
access to blockchain via a service node, which is usually owned by the user of the Desktop Wallet.
Source Code
The source code for the Concordium Blockchain is free open source software. You can access our repositories on the Concordium GitHub organization page.
September 30, 2024
Concordium node version 7.0.5 fixes a bug in the handling of smart contract names that could cause the node to crash. This is a critical bug fix, and node runners should update as soon as possible.
Previous releases
7.0.4 - September 23, 2024
Concordium node version 7.0.4 contains support for protocol version 7. The new consensus protocol will take effect on the testnet on September 30, 2024. Node runners should upgrade to version 7.0.4 before the protocol update to ensure that their nodes do not shut down.
Protocol version 7 introduces the following changes:
The cool-down behavior when the stake of a validator or delegator is reduced or removed is changed:
When stake is reduced, the reduction is immediately effective for future stake calculations, and the amount of the reduction is locked for a cool-down period. (Previously, the reduction was only effective after the cool-down period.)
Validators and delegators can make further changes to their stake while they already have stake in cooldown. This includes registering as a validator when the account was previously a delegator, or vice versa. (Previously, the account had to wait for the cool-down period to end before making further changes.)
Shielded transfers are no longer supported in the protocol. It is still possible to unshield a previously shielded balance.
Smart contract execution costs are reduced. This reflects a more efficient implementation of the smart contract execution engine introduced in this release.
Smart contracts can now query the module reference and contract name of a smart contract instance.
The block hashing scheme is redefined to better support light clients.
Additionaly, the node release includes a number of fixes and improvements:
Logging around protocol updates is improved.
Failed gRPC requests are now logged at
level.Fixed a bug where
returns incorrect data.Fixed a bug where
returns incorrect data.Fixed a bug where a configure-validator transaction that is rejected for having a duplicate aggregation key reports the old key of the validator, rather than the new (duplicative) key.
Improved the behavior of the node in the event of an unrecoverable error in consensus.
6.3.1 - June 20, 2024
Concordium node version 6.3.1 fixes a bug where a node may fail to produce a timeout certificate due to incorrectly computing the total weight of finalizers that have signed timeout messages.
6.3.0 - February 20, 2024
Version 6.3.0 contains the following fixes and improvements:
Fixed a bug where
fails to report pending updates to the finalization committee parameters.GRPC queries are now run in dedicated threads. This improves node resource management and increases responsiveness of the GRPC server in cases of high number of concurrent queries. To support this a new option
) has been added, which specifies the number of threads that the node should use for processing gRPC requests. If not set this defaults to the number of (logical) CPUs.The option
now defaults to 200 from the previous unbounded value. This makes the node defaults safer.Startup time of the node has improved on all supported distributions.
6.2.3 - November 28, 2023
Version 6.2.3 removes the V1 gRPC API. This removes the configuration options
and their command line equivalents. An additional health-check service was also added to the V2 GRPC API. This service conforms to the standard GRPC health service API.As part of the tokenomics changes the node has new configuration options that use the new terminology. The existing options using the legacy terminology are still supported, however they are hidden.
endpoint has also been that allows simulating the execution of transactions.The account map is now kept solely on disk in a separate LMDB database and it is no longer part of the internal block state database. This change results in significantly reduced resource usage for the node.
6.1.7 - October 16, 2023
Version 6.1.7 adds load shedding for gRPC v2. This helps with protecting the node in case of high number of concurrent requests since they are now dropped immediately as opposed to queued.
6.1.6 - October 10, 2023
Concordium Node 6.1.6 contains bug fixes and improvements. This is the last release of the node that has support for V1 gRPC API.
Out-of-band catchup is now enabled by default on all platforms.
The node remembers peers across restarts. When starting up it will try to connect to stored peers in addition to any supplied bootstrap and given nodes. Use the new flag
) to clear stored peers on startup.If the node is configured with TLS, then CONCORDIUM_NODE_COLLECTOR_GRPC_HOST must be configured such that it uses the domain of the certificate, for example,
.Exposed the health check service via grpc-web when grpc-web is enabled.
Banned peers are no longer reset on startup by default. The flag
has been renamed to--clear-bans
; when set it will clear the banned peers on startup.Add debug-level logging when a round is advanced, either due to a quorum certificate or a timeout certificate.
Removed the concept of pending blocks.
now also returns the commission rates for the current reward period.Added a number of endpoints to the GRPCV2 API, including:
: provided a block, then it returns information about bakers for the reward period of the block.
: provided a block, then it returns quorum certificate, timeout certificate, and epoch finalization entry contained in the block (where present).
: provided a baker ID, it returns the earliest time at which the node projects that the baker could be required to bake a block.
: returns the block hash of the first block in a given epoch.
: returns a list of the bakers that won rounds in a specified (finalized) epoch. This only supports consensus version 1.Fixes
An incorrect
metric calculation exposed by the bootstrapper was fixed. What was counted was not the number of peers in the bucket, but rather, roughly, how many times peers that are in the bucket have reconnected.Fixed a bug where the block state hash was not returned properly for the genesis block.
Fixed a bug where credential registration IDs for genesis accounts were not correctly recorded. As a result, the index of accounts by credential IDs was incorrect if the chain was started from genesis by node versions 5.1.3 up to and including 6.0. If a chain was started by an older node version and then the node was upgraded, the index is loaded correctly. This index is used when checking for duplicate credential registration IDs, and when looking up an account via a credential registration ID.
Fixed a bug in the
endpoint where the amount sent was used incorrectly. The consequence was that in some cases the calls would fail with an error indicating insufficient amount on the account where the amount was sufficient for the transaction.Applied fix for processing of chain parameter updates when they occur at the same time retroactively to all protocol versions. This may break compatibility with any local/private chains on which the bug occurs.
Fixed a bug in how the last timeout certificate is recovered at start-up.
Fixed the behavior of the block last finalized pointer in the
so that it consistently returns the last finalized block at the time the block was baked.6.0.4 - August 9, 2023
Concordium Node 6.0.4 contains support for protocol version 6 with Concordium BFT consensus which will be released August 21, 2023. Node runners should upgrade to version 6.0.4. before the protocol update to ensure that their nodes do not shut down.
Also, gRPC v1 is NOT enabled in any of the node distributions. gRPC v2 should be used. As a consequence of this the configuration option
, as well as default values ofrpc-server-port
) andrpc-server-addr
), have been removed. The V1 gRPC server is only started if both of these options are supplied.Additional features of this release include:
Fixed a network layer bug where initial messages after the handshake could be dropped in some circumstances.
Changes in Wasm validation and execution in P6 include:
Disallowed globals in initialization sections for V1 contracts in P6.
Added support for sign extension instructions in Wasm in P6.
Do not count custom sections towards module size when executing contracts.
Support new
operations for retrieving account keys and checking signatures.Shut down consensus upon a protocol update updating from protocol version 6.
Fixed a bug that causes bakers in genesis to restake their earnings when they should not. This affects genesis data at protocol version P5; P1-P4 genesis data are not affected. This breaks compatibility with chains started with P5 genesis data, where some genesis bakers are not set to restake earnings. Other chains (including mainnet and testnet) are not affected.
Changed the
endpoint so that slot duration is only returned in protocol versions 0-5.
Endpoint is extended to return current timeout duration, current round, current epoch and trigger block time in protocol version 6.
Changed the
Block slot is only returned in protocol versions 0-5.
In protocol version 6, the returned finalized block is the last finalized block until itself is finalized. Then it is itself.
Endpoint extended to return block round and epoch in protocol version 6.
Changed the ElectionInfo endpoint so that Election difficulty is only returned in protocol versions 0-5.
5.4.2 - June 7, 2023
Concordium node version 5.4.2 fixes a bug that caused an extra byte to be added when running
in the V1 GRPC API.5.4.1 - June 1, 2023
Concordium node version 5.4.1 contains the following features and bug fixes:
Enable CORS support in grpc-web. This only applies when grpc-web is enabled.
Fixed a security issue.
Support using block height as block identifiers in gRPC v2 API.
Extend gRPC v2 API call
with the protocol version of the block.Do not keep a historical list of peers when running as a normal node.
5.3.2 - April 20, 2023
Extended the Prometheus exporter with the following metrics: grpc_request_duration_seconds, grpc_in_flight_requests, consensus_baking_committee, consensus_finalization_committee, consensus_baking_lottery_power, consensus_baked_blocks_total, consensus_finalized_baked_blocks_total, network_soft_banned_peers_total, consensus_non_finalized_transactions and consensus_unsupported_pending_protocol_version. See docs/ for more details.
Also, in the changelog for the node grpc_request_duration_seconds has been renamed to grpc_request_response_time_seconds to match the what is in the code.
Added the following new options:
) triggers the grpc V2 health endpoint to check minimum number of peers.
) allows the node runner to control the maximum amount of energy allowed by an InvokeInstance (and the V1 GRPC InvokeContract) call. The behavior of the endpoint is slightly changed as well. The energy is no longer required in the request, and the effective energy used by the call will be min(, grpc-invoke-max-energy). This differs from the previous behavior where a request would fail if the request either omitted the energy, or supplied an excessive value.Improved the node health check, so that if the node is configured with baker credentials, then it is required to be in the baking committee for it to be considered healthy.
Fixed a bug that could cause the node to hang indefinitely during the out-of-band-catchup when the node is a finalizer.
Fixed an additional bug in the
endpoint in GRPCv2 where the incoming_amounts field of encrypted amounts was not always set correctly.The node collector is migrated to a separate package and now uses the V2 GRPC API. If you already have a node installed, you must update the configuration. For more information, see the Run a node topic that is specific to your node platform: Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, or macOS.
5.2.4 - March 09, 2023
The Prometheus metrics exporter has been improved and systematized, making this API stable from this release onwards to monitor your node metrics. The metrics are now documented and the node’s Prometheus metrics API stability will adhere to SEMVER guidelines.
Fixed an issue where the node configuration file (
) was sometimes corrupted.Added an option to disable only the node specific grpc V1 endpoints that can be used to control the node. All the endpoints that are consensus related are kept allowing the node to be used as a gateway to the chain. The mentioned endpoints can be disabled by setting
or using the flag--no-rpc-server-node-endpoints
.Fixed a bug in
endpoint in GRPCv2 whereincoming_amounts
field of encrypted amounts was not set correctly.5.1.3 - January 12, 2023
Concordium node version 5.1.3 introduces the following new features and improvements:
Improvements were made to allow greater concurrency with transaction processing.
Blocks are relayed earlier. This decreases the time it takes for the network to become aware of a block.
Removed the configuration option
. This option (which was used for testing only and was disabled by default) made the node rebroadcast blocks before doing any validation.Changes were made to avoid deadlocks during node shutdown in specific scenarios.
The node will now shut down to start if an error occurs in a required service (e.g., grpc server). In particular, the node will shut down if a required service could not be started.
Added timeout to downloading out of band catchup files when block indices and catch-up chunk files are specified by an URL. The timeout is controlled by the option
) and defaults to 5 minutes. Timeout is now five minutes per chunk instead of waiting indefinitely.Removed the
environment variable. The prometheus server is now started ifCONCORDIUM_NODE_PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT
is set.5.0.7 for MacOS - January 4, 2023
Fixed a bug in the MacOS node that caused an issue with NRG calculation. Concordium recommends that MacOS node runners update their nodes to 5.0.7.
5.0.6 - November 15, 2022
Concordium Node 5.0.6 contains support for protocol version 5 which will be released November 22, 2022. This adds the following features:
Support for smart contract upgradability
Query the current exchange rates, account balances, and contract balances from a smart contract.
- Relax restrictions on smart contracts, including:
Parameter size limit: 1kiB -> 65535B
Return value size limit: 16kiB -> no limit (apart from energy)
Number of logs per invocation: 64 -> no limit (apart from energy)
A new representation of accounts that is better optimised for common operations.
Revised the hashing scheme for transaction outcomes in protocol version 5. In particular, the exact reject reasons are no longer part of the computed hash. Furthermore, the transaction outcomes are being stored in a merkle tree for P5, resulting in faster speed for some queries.
Additionally, the node update fixes an issue where the catch-up downloader would fail at a protocol update.
4.5.0 - October 18, 2022
Concordium Node 4.5.0 contains the updated gRPC API which is easier to use than the previous version. It also contains bug fixes and performance and robustness improvements.
Node gRPC API v2 is released and enabled in all distributions.
The node is now able to recover after crashes which leave only treestate or only blockstate usable.
Fix a memory leak that could occur in certain usage scenarios involving smart contracts.
4.4.4 - September 29, 2022
Concordium Node 4.4.4 contains performance improvements and bug fixes.
Smart contract state is no longer cached on startup and is not cached after finalization. This reduces the node’s memory use and startup time.
Smart contract modules are no longer retained in memory. Module artifacts are loaded as needed during contract execution. Metadata is cached for a limited number of smart contract modules. By default, the cache will retain metadata for at most 1000 smart contract modules, and this is configurable via the
command line argument or by using theCONCORDIUM_NODE_CONSENSUS_MODULES_CACHE_SIZE
environment variable.Speed up and reduce memory overhead during protocol updates. Overhead in memory use during protocol updates should now be less than 20%, and time to process a protocol update should be around 1/3 of the previous release.
The node now validates blocks more eagerly and does not relay blocks it cannot fit into the tree, i.e., pending blocks.
option now takes the URL to the catchup_index file_
, permitting to only download and import catchup files containing blocks not already present in the database.Partial node database recovery. The node is now able to recover from the most common causes of its database corruption.
Fix typo in environment variable
(remove trailing S).Fix a bug in Ctrl-C signal handling where a node would fail to stop if interrupted early on in the startup if out-of-band catchup was enabled.
4.3.1 - August 29, 2022
Concordium Node 4.3.1 introduces a number of performance improvements. The effects of these are that the node on mainnet at the current load will use around 1/4 the memory of the 4.2.3 node. Startup can be up to 50% faster, although exact improvements will be platform dependent.
Account records are no longer constantly retained in memory. Instead, a limited number are retained in a cache. The number of cached accounts defaults to 10000 and can be configured by the
environment variable.Reduce startup time and memory use further by reducing the amount of block data retained in memory. In particular finalized blocks are no longer stored in memory.
Optimize node data structures related to accounts. This reduces node memory use and improves performance.
The gRPC API now reports correctly when the sender of a transaction did not have enough funds to cover the transaction costs.
Remove obsolete and unused option
.Remove transaction logging functionality from the node. It is replaced by an external transaction logger service. As a consequence the
family of command line options are removed from the node.4.2.3 for Docker - August 4, 2022
Some improvements have been made to the Docker node version. The new Docker images (one for Mainnet and one for Testnet) are designed for use with docker-compose or a similar driver. The node also requires a database which must be stored on the host system so that it persists when the Docker container is stopped.
It is not mandatory but strongly recommended for Linux node runners to migrate to the new Docker distribution. The old Docker images will be deprecated and future node versions from 4.3 and upwards will only be provided in the new distribution.
4.2.3 - August 2, 2022
Concordium Node 4.2.3 fixes a critical security vulnerability present in all previous 4.* node versions. All node runners must upgrade as soon as possible.
The security advisory detailing the issue and the patch will be released on August 15th.
4.2.1 - June 27, 2022
Concordium Node 4.2.1 is a maintenance release, bringing performance improvements and bugfixes. The highlights are:
A significant decrease in node startup time. The exact improvements are platform dependent, but startup should be at least 6 times faster on mainnet.
A significant decrease in node memory use. On mainnet, a 4.2.1 node should use less than 50% of memory compared to 4.1.1.
Reduced CPU use of passive nodes in Windows, Mac, and Linux distributions.
4.1.1 Sirius Testnet reset - June 13, 2022
Sirius testnet has been reset on June 13, 2022.
A new version of Concordium Node has been released to fix several critical errors related to delegation.
4.0.11 - May 16, 2022
Concordium Node 4.0.11 introduces new functionality to support delegation to baker pools or passive delegation, and a new version Smart Contracts.
V1 smart contracts includes the following key features: - Unlimited contract state size - Synchronous contract calls - Fallback entrypoints - An increased smart contract module size limit of 512kB - A number of cryptographic primitives
Other improvements in this version include: - The SendTransaction function exposed via the gRPC interface now provides the caller with detailed error messages. - Support for wire-protocol version 0 is dropped, meaning that the node cannot connect to peers that do not support wire-protocol version 1, which is supported since version 1.1.0. - The macOS installer has been improved so it no longer overwrites the service files when reinstalling. - When using the Mac installer users now can leave one (but not both) of the net configurations empty when they don’t want to configure a node for it. On the initial installation, leaving a net configuration empty means that the start/stop app shortcuts and the application support folder for that net won’t be installed. - Consensus queries have been made more robust by validating input more extensively. This affects all queries whose input was a block or transaction hash. These queries now return an InvalidArgument error. - The maximum number of retries for Node Collector has been removed so it will keep querying indefinitely. - Nodes can now be stopped during out of band catchup by using the signals
. - TheGetAccountInfo
endpoint supports querying the account via the account index. - Baker pools and stake delegation are implemented for the P4 protocol version. - The new gRPC endpointGetBakerList
retrieves a JSON list of the baker IDs of the bakers registered in a known block. It returns null for an unknown block. - The new gRPC endpointGetPoolStatus
retrieves a status record for a baker pool, or for the set of passive delegators. - The bakerStakeThreshold level-2 keys are renamed to poolParameters keys; two additional access structures are defined: cooldownParameters and timeParameters. - Smart contract modules are cached on startup from the existing state to improve smart contract execution.3.0.2 - April 21, 2022
Fixed a security vulnerability in the network layer that could be used to crash the node, causing a denial of service.
3.0.1 - January 3, 2022
Fixed a starvation bug in some cases of parallel node queries.
3.0.0 - November 29th 2021
Introduced support for account aliases via protocol P3. Accounts can be queried in
by any alias.
object now has an additional fieldaccountAddress
that contains the canonical address of the account.Fixed a bug due to incorrect use of LMDB database environments, where a node would crash if queried at specific times.
Faster state queries by avoiding locking the block state file when reading.
Fixed a bug caused by shutting down RPC before the node, which caused the node to crash when attempting a graceful shutdown while processing RPC requests.
The node now drops all connections on an unrecognized protocol update and refuses to accept new transactions.
1.1.3 - October 6, 2021
The Concordium node release v1.1.3 is a bugfix release.
1.1.2 - September 17, 2021
The Concordium node release v1.1.2 is a bugfix release.
1.1.1 - September 15, 2021
The Concordium node release v1.1.1 implements a protocol update to add memo functionality for simple, shielded and scheduled transfers. This means that node runners must upgrade their nodes before the new protocol takes effect on testnet on September 22, 2021. Old nodes will stop processing new blocks at that point. See protocol updates for more details.
Added memo functionality for transactions to Protocol
Windows support for running a node
Mac support for running a node
Mac ARM M1 support for running a node
1.0.0 - May 12th, 2021
Updated Open Testnet to match Mainnet features including:
Proof of Stake
The Concordium Blockchain uses a proof of stake mechanism to ensure resource-efficient operation of the network.
Two Layer Consensus Protocol
Nakamoto-Style Consensus Bakers participate in a form of lottery to win the right to append blocks to the chain.
Finality Layer Concordium finality layer dynamically ‘checkpoints’ the blockchain using Byzantine agreement to identify and mark common blocks in the chains of honest users as final.
Built in IDLayer
Account creation is based on a validated identity, but at the same time it provides transactional privacy for users with a mechanism that allows accountability to local regulatory authorities.
Transactional privacy is further enhanced by support for shielded transfers.
Smart Contracts
Concordium blockchain has native support for smart contracts on-chain with our core on-chain language WebAssembly (Wasm), a portable well-defined assembly-like language.
Rust is the first off-chain high level smart contract language.
Tokenomics and On-chain Incentivization
The Concordium blockchain comprises a set of transactions and economic roles that interact within the economy. An economic role, such as a baker or account holder, is represented by an account on the Concordium platform.
The flow of CCD between accounts via transactions creates an economy that is designed to incentivize participation in the network and counter dishonest behaviour. It is the objective of the Concordium Foundation to guide the creation of a sustainable economy that rewards participants for their efforts in developing the network.
Concordium Node
The Concordium node software is available for Linux and available in two different packages:
A distribution package, which provides wrappers for setting up the node in a Docker image.
A Debian package built for Ubuntu 20.04. This package allows for greater customization of the node set up.
Open Testnet v4 update 1 - January 14th, 2020
Fixed an issue in the node, where a parameter update transaction could cause the node to crash on restart.
Open Testnet v4 - January 13th, 2020
Smart contracts:
Smart contracts support on chain
Rust supported as off-chain Smart Contract language
Concordium-std library added for developing smart contracts in Rust.
tool for building and testing smart contracts off-chainDocumentation for smart contracts added to developer documentation
Smart Contract transactions added to
Tokenomics (to match tokenomics model):
Rewards for baking and finalization changed
Minting changed
Extended the list of adjustable chain parameters
Updated network dashboard block explorer to include new info
Amount lock-up transaction with schedule added
Staking changed so staked amount is locked
Mobile app updated to show staking and amount lockup schedules
Delegation removed
ID layer:
Initial account creation added to ID provider process
Mobile app updated to support initial account creation
Open Testnet v3 update 2 - October 16th, 2020
A new Mac version is released after fixing an issue with adding a baker on the dashboard. The downloads page has been updated accordingly. Please download the latest Mac release, then stop your node, reset your data, and restart your node.
Open Testnet v3 - October 6th, 2020
Chain visualization: The connection of blocks has been made more stable to ensure that it progresses smoothly.
iOS Concordium ID app available.
Added import to app. It is now possible to import a file that has previously been exported. This enables moving identities and accounts to other mobile devices and restoring from backup.
µCCD. The smallest unit has been changed from 10-4 to 10-6.
Bulletproofs. The core blockchain has been updated to support use of bulletproofs.
Encrypted(shielded) amounts and transfers: Support for shielded transactions has been added to the core blockchain. Support for sending and receiving shielded amounts are added to the mobile apps and the Concordium client.
Anonymity revocation tool available for anonymity revokers.
Block storage improvements for storing the chain on nodes.
0.2.13 - June 29, 2020
Follow our instructions on how to upgrade to Open Testnet v2 from v1.
The Testnet v2 is the second public release of the Concordium Blockchain. Open Testnet aims at demonstrating the technology behind the Concordium Blockchain. This version is not feature-complete compared to the expected features for the first Mainnet version of the Concordium Blockchain.
Concordium ID, an Android mobile app for accessing identities and accounts
Identity provider integration in Android mobile app
Notabene developer identity issuance flow
Notabene identity issuance flow
Catch-up time improvements
The time needed for new nodes to catch-up has been significantly reduced
Restarting nodes can now choose to start from their local database, removing the need to do a complete catch-up.
Storage requirements improvements
Storage of the chain on nodes has been optimized
Concordium Node and Client Software improvements. Extended in the following areas:
Managing bakers
Account delegation
Module query
Account management
Block explorer added to dashboard
Node dashboard with support for becoming a baker
Improvements to the Network Dashboard
0.2.4 - April 2, 2020
The Testnet v1 is the first public release of the Concordium Blockchain. Open Testnet aims at demonstrating the technology behind the Concordium Blockchain. This version is not feature-complete compared to the expected features for the first Mainnet version of the Concordium Blockchain.
This release contains the following main features:
Node software in a dockerized container featuring:
- Passive node: A node that participates in the Concordium
network. It relays messages, provides an API for submitting transactions and inspecting the chain, and processes blocks, but does not produce any blocks on its own.
- Baker node: Does everything a passive node does, but in addition
participates in consensus, producing blocks.
- Finalizer node: Does everything a baker node does, but in
addition participates in the finalization part of our consensus.
- Concordium Client: A command-line interface to the Concordium
Blockchain. Can send transactions and inspect the state of the node and the chain.
Tools for interacting with the container
A demo Web wallet
Creating identities
Creating accounts
Making transfers
Depositing CCD tokens
Exporting identities and accounts
A demo Identity service
A Network Dashboard
Concordium will be running 19 nodes in Europe for this iteration of the Testnet and an additional node in Hong Kong (all running both baker and finalizer).
Concordium Client#
September 23, 2024
Concordium Client 7.0.1 includes the following features and bug fixes:
Support node version 7 and protocol version 7.
Display the “at disposal” balance in the account info output, which indicates the amount of CCD that can be spent or transferred, accounting for any lock-up from staking or scheduled transfers.
From protocol version 7, list the stake cooldowns that are effective on an account in the account info output.
Improved checks when configuring a validator or delegator.
Fix the display of the expected expiry of pending changes to an account’s stake.
Fix a bug in correctly accounting for parsed events.
Rename the
flag forvalidator add
to fix the conflict with the--out
flag used to write a partially-signed transaction to a file.Previous releases
6.3.0 - June 07, 2024
Concordium Client 6.3.0 includes support for the following:
Breaking change: Change command
transaction submit
to submit already-signed transactions to the chain (transactions must now already be signed, e.g. withtransaction add-signature
).Remove command
raw SendTransaction
.Remove command
transaction send-shielded
to disable the transfer of CCD from the shielded balance of the account to the shielded balance of another account.Remove command
account shield
to disable the transfer of CCD from the public balance to the shielded balance of an account.Add command
transaction add-signature
to add a signature to a partially-signed transaction.Add optional
flag to all transaction-creating commands to output a partially-signed transaction to a file.6.2.1 - November 28, 2023
Concordium Client 6.2.1 includes support for the following:
Revised client’s reconnect handling so that the client will no longer attempt to automatically reconnect on timeouts and node resource exhaustion.
Renamed bakers to validators in output in accordance with the upcoming tokenomics changes.
Added additional configuration options that use validator in place of baker in accordance with the upcoming tokenomics changes. For example,
concordium-client validator add
. The older options still exist, but are hidden.The
module inspect
command now attempts to print any embedded verifiable build information.The
module deploy
command now warns if a module is being deployed that does not have embedded verifiable build information.6.1.0 - October 10, 2023
Concordium Client 6.1.0 includes support for the following:
Added baker win-time command for determining the earliest time a specified baker is expected to bake.
Added support for the following node version 6.1 queries under the
Add support for CommissionRates in
(Only available for node versions > 6.0).Show all options for importing an account.
6.0.1 - August 9, 2023
Concordium Client 6.0.1 adds support for the upcoming protocol version 6 which is planned for release on Testnet August 21, 2023. Note that this version of Concordium-Client requires at least node version 5.4.
Removed a stray CTrue in output of
consensus show-chain-parameters
raw GetNextUpdateSequenceNumbers
subcommand.Added node version to the output of
raw GetNodeInfo
.Print Block time instead of Slot time in the output of
block show
.In the output of
consensus show-parameters
, election difficulty is only printed when present.5.2.0 - June 1, 2023
Concordium Client 5.2.0 contains the following features and bug fixes:
Fix a bug in display of
consensus show-chain-parameters
output for protocol version 6.Add
raw GetBlockTransactionEvents
that prints the list of transaction outcomes in a given block.5.1.1 - March 2, 2023
Concordium Client has been migrated to use version 2 of the node gRPC API.
Since the node serves the V2 gRPC API on port 20000 by default, the default value of the –grpc-port option has been updated to reflect this.
Some raw commands have been removed and new raw commands have been added. For detailed information, see the Concordium Client changelog.
General improvements to error message information and phrasing.
The –grpc-authentication-token option has been removed.
5.0.2 - December 14, 2022
Receive function parameters are now displayed as JSON in transaction status whenever they could be succesfully parsed by a smart contract schema embedded in the module or supplied by the user using the
option.5.0.1 - November 21, 2022
Concordium Client 5.0.1 adds support for the upcoming protocol version 5 which is planned for release on Testnet November 22, 2022. It also adds a
flag to enable connecting to gRPC using TLS. All commands that query the node support this.Additionally, it supports contract schema V3. V3 schemas offer the same options as V2, but also optionally includes a schema for contract events. transaction status now displays contract events, and a schema can be provided with –schema, which will be used to parse the contract events. By default events are parsed with the schema embedded in the contract, if present. This enables
to interact with contracts and schemas using concordium-std version 5. There is also improved formatting of transaction status output using contract schemas if they are available for displaying contract events, and output function parameters are shown as hex strings in transaction status.4.2.0 - October 5, 2022
Fix handling of
incontract init
,contract update
,module deploy
, andregister data
transactions. This flag is now respected.Add support for import of keys from Concordium Wallet for Web.
Fix some inconsistencies in the display format of CCD amounts.
4.1.0 - August 24, 2022
Fix bug in contract schema parsing caused by endiannes confusion.
Add support for smart contract schema V2. V2 schemas offer the same options as V1, but can also include a schema for the error type. This enables concordium-client to interact with contracts built using concordium-std version 4.
4.0.4 - August 4, 2022
The concordium-client has been updated to better support the new smart contract v1 schema.
4.0.3 - June 15, 2022
Concordium Client 4.0.3 supports version 1 Smart Contracts with the following changes.
contract invoke
command has been added for simulating contracts locally on the node.Module deploy now expects modules with a version prefix. This prefix is added automatically when building with cargo-concordium version >= 2. The flag
has been added to support modules without the version prefix.The
contract update
command now uses--entrypoint
to specify the function to invoke. This is renamed from the previous--func
.When calling
contract update
orcontract invoke
with a non-existent entrypoint the fallback entrypoint is called if one is specified in the contract.Concordium Client 4.0.3 also supports delegation to baker pools or passive delegation, and commands have been added to open baker pools.
The commands
delegator add
,delegator configure
anddelegator remove
have been added. Commands to support the baker opening a baker pool have also been added, includingbaker configure
,baker update-url
andbaker update-delegation-status
.The existing commands
baker add
,baker remove
,baker set-key
,baker update-restake
andbaker update-stake
have been updated so that in Protocol version < 4, they generate the former P3 transaction, and in Protocol version 4, they generate the relevantconfigure baker
transaction.Support has been added for the raw queries
.The subcommand
consensus show-chain-parameters
has been added to show the chain parameters. This subcommand shows useful information, such as the amount needed to become a baker, bounding caps for baker pools, commission percentages for delegation, exchange rate parameters, and more.3.0.4 - December 10, 2021
Credentials revealing the newly introduced attribute LEI can be deployed.
Renamed GTU token to CCD.
account encrypt
toaccount shield
.Added command for generating aliases of an address.
Now shows line breaks, tabs etc. in memo transfers (when it’s CBOR encoded string), instead of escaping them as
etc.Now displays memo as JSON in a more readable way.
Added time units to slot duration and epoch duration in consensus status.
Updated the
command to register data as CBOR encoded strings or JSON using the new flags--string
. Raw data can still be registered using the new flag--raw
raw DisconnectPeer
, a counterpart to the existingraw ConnectPeer
.Now warning the user when trying to add a baker with a stake below the minimum threshold.
Improved how contract schemas are shown as JSON:
Now displays complex types in arrays correctly.
Use angle brackets to indicate placeholders, e.g.
instead of"UInt16"
module inspect
:Now shows all contracts from a module regardless of whether a schema is included or not.
Now shows the receive methods for contracts as well.
Now allows sending transactions where the sender is an account alias.
1.1.1 - October 6, 2021
Added memo functionality for transactions
May 11, 2023
2.8.0 the distribution method forcargo-concordium
has been simplified. Now, once you have installed rustup, you can quickly and easily installcargo-concordium
without downloading a separate package or going through many steps. For more information, see Install tools for development.If you already have
installed, you may need to remove the existingcargo-concordium
from your PATH to be able to update versions in the future.Previous releases
2.7.1 - April 12, 2023
Fixed a bug where conversion of parameters from JSON to binary did not work for schemas with signed integers when attempting to convert negative values.
Support calling cargo concordium build and cargo concordium test from any project subdirectory.
2.7.0 - January 30, 2023
Added base64 commands for schemas in
cargo concordium
. These allow the schema to be output in the base64 format that is currently supported in the Concordium Wallet for Web.2.6.0 - January 19, 2023
Added the ability to output the schema in JSON format which can be more suitable for use in dApps.
2.5.0 - December 14, 2022
Add support for sampling random numbers for randomized testing with cargo concordium test.
Add support for providing a seed to initialize a random generator to cargo-concordium. The generator can be used for randomized testing. Command format: cargo concordium test –seed 1234567890. The provided seed value is a u64 number. If the seed is not provided, a random one will be sampled.
2.4.0- November 21, 2022
Cargo concordium 2.4.0 contains support for the upcoming protocol version 5 which is planned for release on Testnet November 22, 2022. This includes the following new features:
Build and test contracts using new protocol 5 features, such as upgradability and chain queries.
Support for relaxed smart contract resource restrictions in
cargo concordium run
cargo concordium build
now checks contracts with respect to protocol version 5 semantics.2.2.0 - October 12, 2022
Cargo concordium 2.2.0 introduces the
subcommand that can initialize a new project and use contract templates to set up an initial project.2.1.0 - August 24, 2022
Use schemas for error values when simulating contracts. In particular support building and testing contracts with concordium-std version 4.
2.0.2 - August 4, 2022
Cargo concordium has also been updated to better support the new smart contract v1 schema.
VSCode extension#
May 1, 2023
The VSCode extension has been developed to help developers get started with smart contract development. The extension sets up the editor for development, installs the
smart contract development tool for all supported platforms, and provides commands in the editor for the essential workflows, such as building and testing smart contracts.
Smart contract deploy and initialize tool#
June 28, 2023
To ease deployment and initialization, you can use the Smart contract deploy and initialize tool. It works with the Concordium Wallet for Web to deploy and initialize smart contracts to Mainnet and Testnet.
August 16, 2023
Version CCD frontend 1.4 and backend 1.6 contains support for protocol version 6 with Concordium BFT consensus which will be released August 21, 2023.
Previous releases
1.0.0 - May 4, 2022
CCDScan ( is a Concordium blockchain explorer available for Concordium users and explorers.
CCDScan serves as a search engine for data on the Concordium blockchain and enables users to search for, explore, and analyze relevant on-chain data. CCDScan release 1 includes core functionality to scan and gain insights into Concordium blockchain data and lays the foundation for additional value adding features to be included on the site.
CCDScan release 1 features include: - Block list view of the latest block data - Block details for each block - Transaction list view of the latest transaction data - Transaction details for each transaction - Account list view of the most recent account data - Account details for each account address including related transactions, an account statement, and amount locked in release schedule where relevant - Easy search for specific details on blocks, transactions and accounts and bakers - Cross-linking between all relevant entities for easy navigation between blocks, transactions, and accounts - A dashboard landing page with real-time updates from the Concordium blockchain - Core metrics, graphs, and statistics on blocks, transactions, and accounts, including blocks added, block time, finalization time, transactions and accounts created - Ability to switch between Mainnet and Testnet data - Ability to explore chain parameters and updates to these - List of bakers and their stake, including the ability to drill through to the underlying account address
Smart contract Libraries#
May 8, 2023
Smart contract integration testing has been added to test your smart contracts: the concordium-smart-contract-testing library makes it possible to create and run automatic integration tests of smart contracts. This will allow a smart contract developer to write code that runs multiple contracts in a locally-controlled environment, interacts with them, and asserts that the eventual output and state of the contracts are as expected. For more information about how to enable this, see Integration test a contract in Rust.