
A smart contract instance is a smart contract module together with a specific state and an amount of CCD tokens. A smart contract instance is often just called an instance. Multiple smart contract instances can be created from the same module. For example, for an auction contract, there could be multiple instances, each one dedicated to bidding for a specific item and with its own participants.

Smart contract instances can be created from a deployed smart contract module via the init transaction which invokes the requested function in the smart contract module. This function can take a parameter. Its end result is required to be the initial smart contract state of the instance.

digraph G { rankdir="BT" subgraph cluster_0 { label = "Module"; labelloc=b; node [fillcolor=white, shape=note] "Crowdfunding"; "Escrow"; } subgraph cluster_1 { label = "Instances"; style=dotted; node [shape=box, style=rounded] House; Car; Gadget; Boardgame; } House:n -> Escrow; Car:n -> Escrow; Gadget:n -> Crowdfunding; Boardgame:n -> Crowdfunding; }

Example of smart contract module containing two smart contracts: Escrow and Crowdfunding. Each contract has two instances.#

State of a smart contract instance#

The state of a smart contract instance consists of two parts, the user-defined state and the amount of CCD the contract holds, i.e., its balance. When referring to state it typically means only the user-defined state. The reason for treating the CCD amount separately is that CCD can only be spent and received according to rules of the network, e.g., contracts cannot create or destroy CCD tokens.

Instantiate a smart contract on-chain#

Every smart contract must contain a function for creating smart contract instances. Such a function is referred to as the init function.

To create a smart contract instance, an account sends a special transaction with a reference to the deployed smart contract module and the name of the init function to use for instantiation.

The transaction can also include an amount of CCD, which is added to the balance of the smart contract instance. A parameter to the function is supplied as part of the transaction in the form of an array of bytes.

To summarize, the transaction includes:

  • Reference to the smart contract module.

  • Name of the init function.

  • Parameter to the init function.

  • Amount of CCD for the instance.

The init function can signal that it does not wish to create a new instance with those parameters. If the init function accepts the parameters, it sets up the initial state of the instance and its balance. The instance is given an address on the chain and the account who sent the transaction becomes the owner of the instance. If the function rejects, no instance is created and only the transaction for attempting to create the instance is visible on-chain.

See also

See the Initialize guide for how to initialize a contract in practice. You can also watch a video about initializing smart contract instances.

Instance state#

Every smart contract instance holds its own state which is represented on-chain as a prefix tree, where nodes in the tree can have data in the form of a byte array. The instance uses functions provided by the host environment to create, delete, and find nodes in the tree. The host also provides functions for reading, writing, and resizing the byte array held by a particular node in the tree.

See also

See Smart contract instance state for a reference of these functions.

Interact with an instance#

A smart contract can expose zero or more functions for interacting with an instance, referred to as receive functions.

Just like with init functions, receive functions are triggered using transactions, which contain some amount of CCD for the contract and an argument to the function in the form of bytes.

To summarize, a transaction for smart-contract interaction includes:

  • Address to smart contract instance.

  • Name of the receive function.

  • Parameter to the receive function.

  • Amount of CCD for the instance.


The receive function can have a return value.

Log events#

Events can be logged during the execution of smart contract functions. This is the case for both init and receive functions. The logs are designed for off-chain use, so that actors outside of the chain can monitor the events and react to them. Logs are not accessible to smart contracts, or any other actor on the chain. Events can be logged using a function supplied by the host environment.

See also

See Logging events for the reference of this function.

These event logs are retained by validators and included in transaction summaries.

Logging an event has an associated cost, similar to the cost of writing to the contract’s state. In most cases it would only make sense to log a few bytes to reduce cost.

There is no limit to the number of logs per invocation (apart from energy).


When initializing, updating, or invoking a smart contract, the following limits are enforced:

  • The maximum input parameter size is 65535 Bytes (u16::MAX).

  • The energy limit in a block is 3 million NRG (energy). If only one transaction is in the block, the transaction can consume up to 3 million NRG (energy).

  • The maximum number of log items is u32::MAX per execution.

  • The maximum return value size is u32::MAX Bytes.


The log item and return value limits can not be reached in practice because the energy limit will kick in earlier.

Invoke operations#

A receive function can use the host environment to invoke two types of operations during its execution. The possible operations that a contract can perform are:

  • invoke_transfer: transfer CCD from the instance to the specified account.

  • invoke_contract: invoke receive function of the specified smart contract instance, and optionally transfer some CCD from the sending instance to the receiving instance.

If an operations fails, it returns an error, which the instance can choose to handle, and the state and balance of the instance remain unchanged. The account which sent the initiating transaction pays for the execution of the entire receive function, including the cost of failed operations.


A V1 smart contract instance can choose to upgrade its module to a new V1 smart contract module using the upgrade host function. The host function takes a reference to a deployed smart contract module to use for the upgraded instance and can only be called from a receive function. The host function returns whether the upgrade succeeded, allowing the instance to decide the next step. If the upgrade is successful any new invocations of the upgraded instance uses the smart contract code in the new module.


Upgrading a smart contract can be used to change the behavior completely, therefore it is important to carefully restrict access to any endpoint triggering a smart contract upgrade.

digraph G { rankdir="BT" subgraph cluster_0 { label = "My module v1"; labelloc=b; node [fillcolor=white, shape=note] escrow; } subgraph cluster_2 { label = "My module v2"; labelloc=b; node [fillcolor=white, shape=note] escrow2; } subgraph cluster_1 { label = "Instances"; style=dotted; node [shape=box, style=rounded] House; Car; } escrow[label="Escrow"] escrow2[label="Escrow"] House:n -> escrow; Car:n -> escrow [style=dashed, arrowhead=onormal]; Car:n -> escrow2 [style=bold]; }

Example of a smart contract instance ‘Car’ upgrading to a new module.#

Failing to upgrade#

A smart contract instance can fail to upgrade for one of the following reasons:

  • The new module does not exist.

  • The new module does not contain a smart contract with a name matching the instance being upgraded.

  • The new module is a smart contract module version 0.


Only the smart contract itself can trigger an upgrade of its module, meaning that smart contracts are immutable when they do not contain any code for triggering an upgrade.


It is important to understand that immutable means the code of the smart contract cannot change. It does not mean that the behavior of a smart contract cannot change, as the smart contract code can include a switch in behavior or even invoke other mutable smart contracts.


Triggering a smart contract instance upgrade changes the smart contract module starting from the next invocation, meaning the execution will continue after the point of calling upgrade. Since any new invocation of this instance uses the new smart contract module, the instance can invoke itself and run code of the new module in the same transaction containing the upgrade. This is useful for triggering a migration function in the new smart contract module and rejecting the upgrade if the migration fails.

See also

See Upgradeability Guide for a guide about how to make a Rust smart contract upgradeable.

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