Get the list of identity providers#
The list of identity providers can be retrieved from a Concordium node; however, the provided list lacks the necessary metadata for creating or recovering an identity from an identity provider. Therefore, Concordium hosts a service called the wallet-proxy that serves this information to wallets.
Get list of identity providers and their metadata#
Here is an example of how the list of identity providers can be retrieved from the wallet-proxy service. The libraries used here to perform the requests are merely examples, so feel free to use the libraries already utilized in your project.
import {
} from '@concordium/web-sdk';
interface IdentityProviderMetaData {
issuanceStart: string;
recoveryStart: string;
icon: string;
support: string;
type IdentityProviderWithMetadata = IdentityProvider & {
metadata: IdentityProviderMetaData;
const walletProxyTestnetBaseUrl = '';
const walletProxyMainnetBaseUrl = '';
async function getIdentityProviders(walletProxyBaseUrl: string): Promise< IdentityProviderWithMetadata[]> {
const response = await fetch(walletProxyBaseUrl + '/v1/ip_info');
return response.json();
const testnetIdentityProviders = getIdentityProviders(walletProxyTestnetBaseUrl);
const mainnetIdentityProviders = getIdentityProviders(walletProxyMainnetBaseUrl);
import com.concordium.sdk.responses.blocksummary.updates.queues.AnonymityRevokerInfo
import com.concordium.sdk.responses.blocksummary.updates.queues.IdentityProviderInfo
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.Request
data class IdentityProvider(
val ipInfo: IdentityProviderInfo,
val arsInfos: Map<String, AnonymityRevokerInfo>,
val metadata: IdentityProviderMetaData
) : Serializable
data class IdentityProviderMetaData(
val icon: String,
val issuanceStart: String,
val support: String?,
val recoveryStart: String?
) : Serializable
fun getIdentityProviders(walletProxyBaseUrl: String): ArrayList<IdentityProvider> {
val request = Request.Builder().url("$walletProxyBaseUrl/v1/ip_info").build()
val client = OkHttpClient().newBuilder().build()
client.newCall(request).execute().use { response ->
response.body()?.use { body ->
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
return mapper.readValue(body.string(), mapper.typeFactory.constructCollectionType(,
throw Exception("Something went wrong")
fun main() {
val walletProxyTestnetBaseUrl = ""
val walletProxyMainnetBaseUrl = ""
val testnetIdentityProviders = getIdentityProviders(walletProxyTestnetBaseUrl)
val mainnetIdentityProviders = getIdentityProviders(walletProxyMainnetBaseUrl)
import Concordium
import Foundation
// Inputs.
let walletProxyBaseURL = URL(string: "")!
let walletProxy = WalletProxy(baseURL: walletProxyBaseURL)
print("Identity providers:")
for ip in try await identityProviders(walletProxy) {
print("- \(")