Submit a transaction to a Concordium node#

The following sections document the requirements for creating an account transaction, signing it, and sending it to a Concordium node.

Construct and sign an account transaction#

This example constructs and signs a simple transfer, which is an account transaction that moves an amount of CCD from one account to another. For other transaction types, the steps are similar, but the exact fields that must be provided for the payload will be different. Note that Concordium as a whole supports multi-signature transactions, but for the purpose of this example it will demonstrate how to sign for an account with a single credential that has a single key.

Note that when the transaction has been signed anyone with the signature and the transaction will be able to send it to a Concordium node. Therefore it is very important that a wallet requests user approval before utilizing their signing keys.

import {
} from '@concordium/web-sdk';

const seedPhrase = 'fence tongue sell large master side flock bronze ice accident what humble bring heart swear record valley party jar caution horn cushion endorse position';
const network = 'Testnet'; // Or Mainnet, if working on mainnet.
const wallet = ConcordiumHdWallet.fromSeedPhrase(seedPhrase, network);

const client = new ConcordiumGRPCWebClient(nodeAddress, nodePort);
const cryptographicParameters = await client.getCryptographicParameters();

const credId = wallet.getCredentialId(identityProviderIndex, identityIndex, credNumber, cryptographicParameters);
const sender = getAccountAddress(credId);

const toAddress = AccountAddress.fromBase58('4QkqdUnrjShrUrHpE96odLM6J77nWzEryifzqNnwNk4FYNge8a');

const amount = CcdAmount.fromMicroCcd(5000000);

const payload: SimpleTransferPayload = {

const expiry = TransactionExpiry.fromDate(new Date( + 360000));

const nonce = (await client.getNextAccountNonce(sender)).nonce;

const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {

const transaction: AccountTransaction = {
    type: AccountTransactionType.Transfer,

const signingKey = wallet.getAccountSigningKey(identityProviderIndex, identityIndex, credNumber);
const signer = buildBasicAccountSigner(signingKey.toString('hex'));

const signature = await signTransaction(accountTransaction, signer);
import com.concordium.sdk.ClientV2
import com.concordium.sdk.Connection
import com.concordium.sdk.TLSConfig
import com.concordium.sdk.crypto.wallet.ConcordiumHdWallet
import com.concordium.sdk.crypto.wallet.Network
import com.concordium.sdk.requests.BlockQuery
import com.concordium.sdk.transactions.CCDAmount
import com.concordium.sdk.transactions.CredentialRegistrationId
import com.concordium.sdk.transactions.Expiry
import com.concordium.sdk.transactions.Index
import com.concordium.sdk.transactions.SignerEntry
import com.concordium.sdk.transactions.TransactionFactory
import com.concordium.sdk.transactions.TransactionSigner
import com.concordium.sdk.types.AccountAddress

fun createTransferTransaction(): TransferTransaction {
    val seedPhrase = "fence tongue sell large master side flock bronze ice accident what humble bring heart swear record valley party jar caution horn cushion endorse position"

    val seedAsHex = Mnemonics.MnemonicCode(seedPhrase!!.toCharArray()).toSeed().toHexString()
    val network = Network.TESTNET // Or Network.MAINNET, if working on mainnet.
    val wallet = ConcordiumHdWallet.fromHex(seedAsHex, Network.TESTNET)

    val connection = Connection.newBuilder()
    val client = ClientV2.from(connection)

    val cryptographicParameters = client.getCryptographicParameters(BlockQuery.BEST)

    val credId = wallet.getCredentialId(identityProviderIndex, identityIndex, credNumber, cryptographicParameters.onChainCommitmentKey.toHex())
    val sender = AccountAddress.from(CredentialRegistrationId.from(credId))

    val toAddress = AccountAddress.from("4QkqdUnrjShrUrHpE96odLM6J77nWzEryifzqNnwNk4FYNge8a")
    val amount = CCDAmount.from(5000000)

    val nonce = client.getNextAccountSequenceNumber(sender)
    val expiry = Expiry.createNew().addMinutes(5)

    val signingKey = wallet.getAccountSigningKey(identityProviderIndex, identityIndex, credNumber)

    val signer = TransactionSigner.from(
            Index.from(0), Index.from(0),
    return TransactionFactory.newTransfer().sender(sender).receiver(toAddress).amount(amount)
import Concordium
import GRPC // external dependency for gRPC client

let grpcChannel: GRPCChannel // see docs for package GRPC or examples in SDK repo
let client: NodeClient = GRPCNodeClient(channel: grpcChannel)

// Inputs.
let seedPhrase = "fence tongue sell large master side flock bronze ice accident what humble bring heart swear record valley party jar caution horn cushion endorse position"
let network = Network.testnet
let identityProviderID = IdentityProviderID(3)
let identityIndex = IdentityIndex(7)
let credentialCounter = CredentialCounter(21)
let amount = MicroCCDAmount(1337)
let receiver = try! AccountAddress(base58Check: "33Po4Z5v4DaAHo9Gz9Afc9LRzbZmYikus4Q7gqMaXHtdS17khz")
let expiry = TransactionTime(9_999_999_999)

// Configure seed.
let seedHex = try Mnemonic.deterministicSeedString(from: seedPhrase)
let seed = WalletSeed(seedHex: seedHex, network: network)

// Derive seed based account from the given coordinates of the given seed.
let cryptoParams = try await client.cryptographicParameters(block: .lastFinal)
let accountDerivation = SeedBasedAccountDerivation(seed: seed, cryptoParams: cryptoParams)
let credentialIndexes = AccountCredentialSeedIndexes(
    identity: .init(providerID: identityProviderID, index: identityIndex),
    counter: credentialCounter
let account = try accountDerivation.deriveAccount(credentials: [credentialIndexes])

// Construct, sign, and send transfer transaction.
let nextSeq = try await client.nextAccountSequenceNumber(address: account.address)
let tx = AccountTransaction(sender: account.address, payload: .transfer(amount: amount, receiver: receiver))
let signedTx = try account.keys.sign(transaction: tx, sequenceNumber: nextSeq, expiry: expiry)

Send an account transaction to a Concordium node#

Finally, when the transaction has been constructed and signed, it is ready to be sent to a Concordium node. The output of the function sending a transaction to a Concordium node is the transaction hash. The transaction hash can then be used to monitor the status of the submitted transaction.

import {
} from '@concordium/web-sdk';

const client = new ConcordiumGRPCWebClient(nodeAddress, nodePort);
const transactionHash = await client.sendAccountTransaction(accountTransaction, signature);
import com.concordium.sdk.ClientV2
import com.concordium.sdk.Connection
import com.concordium.sdk.TLSConfig

fun main() {
    val connection = Connection.newBuilder()
    val client = ClientV2.from(connection)
    val transactionHash = client.sendTransaction(transaction)
import Concordium

let client: NodeClient // from previous section
let signedTx: SignedAccountTransaction // from previous section

let hash = try await client.send(transaction: signedTx)
print("Transaction with hash '\(hash.hex)' successfully submitted.")
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